Ana Sayfa, Social Media Studies

Steve JOBS: The Name Who is a Brand in The World of Entrepreneurship

Hello dear readers, we are with you with a new biography examination. In this article, we examination a name that is mostly taken as an exemplary by those who want to make a career in technology, entrepreneurship, and marketing Jobs is also known and followed by all sectors.             Steve JOBS has pioneered the …

Ana Sayfa, Social Media Studies

What is E – Sport?

We are putting E-sports, the branch of sports that digital game lovers and the recently developing digital game publishing sector are closely following recently, on the table with you in this article. E-sport is a branch of electronic sports which many players love to play since clhildhood and professionalize this business with the support give …

Ana Sayfa, Social Media Studies

Otonomous Vehıcles Technology

We wanted to bring you a technology that can be considered the product of the future in the new content of our technology news category. Perhaps many technology and car enthusiasts want to gain experienced this driving pleasure for once in their lives, let’s get to know Otonomous Vehicles all together closely.             Otonomous vehicles …

Ana Sayfa, Social Media Studies

Glimpse into the Metaverse Universe

            With the change of the name of the Mark Zuckerberg company to Meta, the concept of Metaverse came to the fore frequently. So what is meant to be told to us with the Word Metaverse? Although its name is not mentioned exactly, there is actually a technological preparation that started years ago, Metaverse is …